Seachem Equilibrium

ibrahimksmÇevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 30/08/2008
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 271
ibrahimksmÇevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 26 Kasım 2010 00:19
Arkadaşlar suyu RO dan aldığım için seachem Equilibrium kullanmaya başladım. Ürün içeriğinde fazlaca potasyum olduğu için ilave potasyum kullanıp kullanmayacağımı seacheme sordum. Soruyu ingilizce bilmediğimden translate vasısatıyla gönderdim fakat gelen cevabı translatede çevirdiğimde tarzanca çıktığı için ingilizce bilen arkadaşlar yardımcı olursa sevinirim. 

Benim anladığım ilave potasyum kullanmalıyım ve gerekli potasyumu bitkileri gözlemleyerek ayarlayabilirim.

You have been contacted by ibrahim KASIM with regards to Seachem Equilibrium, their additional message is as follows.

"First of all sorry for the English is broken. I am writing with Google Translate. I use Seachem Equilibrium, and Seachem Flourish Potassium. How do I use a Trace Fresh dosing. Equilibrium with the fact that the dosage of potassium than that I'm scared. I hope anlatabilmişimdir. Thank you for your help."

You can contact ibrahim KASIM via email, [email protected] or via phone +905052730736

Hello Ibrahim,

Thank you for the email and for using out products! Equilibrium is a mineral replacement for those that are using RO water, in which all of the minerals and trace elements are being stripped away.  Equilibrium should be used initially at the start up of the aquarium and then with every water change.  Simply dose the appropriate amount of Equilibrium to the volume of water to be replaced.  The Flourish Potassium and Flourish Trace should be implemented into your dosing regimen according to the instructions on the label.  So for the Flourish Potassium, you can dose the appropriate amount for your tank 2-3 times a week.  This can be adjusted according to the needs of your plants and signs of potassium deficiency (chlorosis, necrosis, weak stems and roots, older leaves most effected).  The Flourish Trace should be dosed 1-2 times a week.  Trace elements will get depleted quickly through utilization, oxidation, and precipitation, therefore, should be replenished on a regular basis.  If you would like to read more about these products please follow the link below:

I hope this helps and let us know if you need any further assistance.  Have a wonderful day!

Seachem Support 100215

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DemasoniloverÇevrim Dışı

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Kayıt: 09/08/2008
İl: Mugla
Mesaj: 1213
DemasoniloverÇevrim Dışı
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Gönderim Zamanı: 09 Ocak 2011 22:05
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